Monday, September 10, 2012

Kung Fu and Soccer

The kids started Kung Fu and Soccer this past week.  I was concerned that Anna was going to be the only girl in the class.  Luckily, another girl showed up.  The class was really small and only had 5 children total. They are going to have a black rob with red trim. Both kids had lots of fun.  Once they get their robs, I will post a picture of them. It was nice to have Kung Fu here in our compound. No taxi to go anywhere, :-)

Soccer was a challenging experience.  Since it was on Sunday afternoon at another location, we had to call a taxi.  It took 30 minutes for a taxi to come.  Good thing that we allowed an hour to get there. The drive was only about 10 minutes.  I did buy them shin guards since our air crate has not arrived yet.  I didn't buy them cleats since this practice was only going to be assessments.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the air crates arrive this week.  The rest of my family thinks I'm crazy.  One family told us that they moved last Aug and they didn't get their crates until Christmas! I will buy cleats this Sat if they don't arrive.  When we got to soccer, they divided the boys and girls into teams based on their age. They gave them jerseys with  numbers so they can evaluate them as they played.  Right as they started playing, it started to drizzle rain.  I remembered to grab two umbrellas as we walked out the door.  The kids didn't mind a little drizzle. Then, it started to pour rain.  They kept playing.  Our umbrellas weren't much help since the rain was so hard it way coming sideways.  Finally, Greg and I found some cover under this little awning. The kids were struggling to see the ball but they all kept playing.  It started to thunder too. They kept playing.  That would not have happened in the US.  They played the whole hour in the pouring rain.  As soon as they were finished, the rain stopped!!  We all were soaked from head to toe.  I bet that taxi driver wasn't happy to have us in his car all wet.  Good news, Jackson was wearing an old pair of shoes.  Unfortunately, Anna was wearing her only pair of shoes that she wears to school.  We spent the evening trying to get them dry.

Hope next weekend has better weather!

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