Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Taiwan Trip - Part 3

More pictures of the beach resort in Kenting.

Shells are much different than in Carolina.

We took a private tour of the southern portion of the island. We rode in a pink van.

Our tour guide asked what this rock looked like. Greg said Obama. She laughed and said that no one ever quessed that before.

This looks like lava fields in Hawaii.  It's actually coral. Most of this island was underwater It's not a volcano like other islands.

They have land crabs. There is even a land crab crossing sign.

This beach was off limits to everyone. The sand was about 93% crushed shells. We saw a display of the types of beaches here. It was amazing to see these tiny crushed shells under a microscope. It was closed because of the US and other countries came in the past and took shiploads of it away.

This is the lighthouse on the southern most tip of Taiwan.  It had huge brick wall all around it. It was also used like a fort.

We think this sign said beware of snakes. So, Greg sent Jackson over to stand next to the bushes.

This was a trash can. I was walking around looking for one. Our tour guide had to show it to us.

Greg and Jackson got fresh coconuts to drink. They were really cold.

Anna picked out this pretty dress in the night market in Kenting.

Taiwan has it's own money. We spent many 1,000 bills. The conversion is $30 to 1 Taiwan dollar.  When Greg paid the bill in the hotel, they said that will be $37,000.  Greg hesitated and remembered that it wasn't that much when you divide by 30.

1 comment:

  1. You guys look great! We miss you! I'm looking forward to your trip back home got a brief visit.
