Monday, September 10, 2012

We Survived our 1st Month in China!!!!

As I look back at my 1st week's entry of this blog, it seems like so long ago.  Life has gotten easier is some ways. The kids and Greg have settled into a routine but I haven't. I struggle with sitting and working all day and then working again 4 hrs at night.  I need to set some work hours during the day and then get up and walk away from my computer.

After one month, the top 10 things that we miss the most:
1) Friends and Family
2) Friday night dinners with the Abbondanzio's
3) Carly, our dog
4) Driving my car
5) Drinking water from a faucet to brush my teeth
6) American restaurants
7) A grocery store that doesn't stink
8) Fresh Air
9) Being able to buy things with my credit card and not use cash
10) The kids said "Legos and toys"

Anna and I went to buy soccer shin guards for soccer on Sunday since our air shipments aren't here yet.  We walked into a building that smelled really bad. Public restrooms are the worst.  Anna said "Mommy, why can't we create a bag for our heads with a special smell that smells like America".  I asked, "What about your school does it smell ok?". She said, "There is a special bubble like a force field over Concordia. It smells just like home." I'm glad she likes her school for so many reasons, :-).


  1. We miss the Friday night dinners too!!!! We should plan to have a car on the run way and right when your plan lands, we head straight to a mexican restaurant :) And Carly misses all of you too, I can see it in her eyes!!! It really has been funny to see how much her and Ginger have bonded though haha!

  2. And Anna is so funny! Here is what I would do: get really good-smelling lotion or even good-smelling hand sanitizer and put it on your hands before you go into the store. then you can pretend to rub your nose or something while you're walking around. Especially in the meat section. lol! Or even put a tiny dab of the lotion on/under your nose before you walk in.
